Thursday, June 14, 2012

British PM Cameron grilled over media ties at ethics inquiry

Egypt's Supreme Court rules ex-regime member Ahmed Shafik can run in presidential runoff election, state-run TV reports.
By Richard Allen Greene and Laura Smith-Spark, CNN
June 14, 2012 -- Updated 1243 GMT (2043 HKT)
British PM takes the stand at Leveson Inquiry
  • NEW: David Cameron defends his hiring of ex-News of the World editor Andy Coulson
  • NEW: Text messages reveal close ties with ex-Murdoch executive Rebekah Brooks
  • "There was no deal for support," Cameron says of his contacts with the media
  • The testimony comes a day after Brooks appeared in court

London (CNN) -- British Prime Minister David Cameron was quizzed Thursday about his links to former top Murdoch executive Rebekah Brooks and his decision to hire former News of the World editor Andy Coulson.

Cameron himself set up the inquiry into media ethics in response to phone hacking at the News of the World, the Rupert Murdoch-owned tabloid that shut down over illegal eavesdropping.

He has faced questions over his judgment as the scandal has unfolded, amid suggestions his government was too closely connected to Murdoch's media empire.

Questioned over his ties to Brooks, who was also previously editor of the Sun and the News of the World, Cameron said their friendship had developed over several years, particularly after she married his friend and neighbor, Charlie Brooks.

A text sent by Rebekah Brooks to Cameron on the eve of a major speech by him to the Conservative party annual conference appeared to show a close relationship.

"I am so rooting for you tomorrow, not just as a personal friend but because professionally we are in this together," she wrote.

Cameron said he understood "we are in this together" to refer to the Sun's support for the Conservative party.

The Sun -- the UK's most popular newspaper, with a daily circulation of 7 million -- switched allegiance from Labour to the Conservatives in 2009.

Cameron said relations between politicians and the media were "too close and unhealthy" but rejected the idea that his contacts with newspaper editors and proprietors meant he had made promises about government policies, for example on media regulation, in return for their support.

"There was no overt deal for support, there was no covert deal, there were no nods or winks," he said.

He acknowledged trying to win over different media organizations to back his party, but insisted he was "not trading policies for that support. And when you look at the details of this, it is complete nonsense."

Cameron said the inquiry was doing the job it was meant to in trying to "get to the bottom of the media-political relationship and put it on a firmer footing."

He argued that a free press was important in holding the country's leaders accountable.

Cameron also defended his decision to appoint former News of the World editor Andy Coulson as his communications director.

Asked why he had hired Coulson for the job of director of communications for the Conservative Party and then in Downing Street when he became prime minister, Cameron said he was the best person for the job.

Coulson resigned from the Downing Street role last year when police began a new phone hacking investigation, saying it had become a distraction. He quit the News of the World after two employees were jailed over phone hacking in 2007 but denies knowing of wrongdoing while he was in charge.

Coulson was this month arrested and charged with perjury over court testimony about phone hacking, according to Britain's Press Association news agency.

Asked about the hiring process, Cameron said Coulson had given him and others assurances that he knew nothing of the phone hacking while he was editor. Cameron said he knew it was important that they received these undertakings.

The party needed someone who was tough enough for a very high pressure communications role, he said, and Coulson's experience as a tabloid editor meant he was right for the job.

He thought Coulson had done "the honorable thing" in resigning when the wrongdoing by his staff was uncovered, Cameron told the inquiry, and was willing to give him a second chance.

Asked if he regretted the appointment, Cameron said, "You don't make decisions with 20/20 hindsight.

"I made the decision I made," he said. "I don't try to run away from it, I just try to explain why I made it."

While in the role, Coulson had performed well and behaved entirely properly, he added.

Cameron is set to testify all day at the Leveson Inquiry, a wide-ranging investigation into media ethics and behavior currently examining the relationship between the media and politicians.

In April, Cameron told politicians in the House of Commons: "I think we all, on both sides of this house, did a bit too much cozying up to Mr. Murdoch."

The prime minister's testimony comes a day after Brooks appeared in court in connection with a separate police investigation into hacking.

She, her husband and four other people are charged with trying to obstruct the investigation.

Two former prime ministers, Gordon Brown and John Major, testified at Leveson Inquiry this week.

Brown lashed out Monday at Murdoch, his son and his British newspapers, raising the stakes in a highly charged and public battle between the two men.

The conflict could affect whether Murdoch keeps control of the British part of his media empire.

The former British leader flatly denied the most sensational claim that Murdoch made when he testified at the media ethics inquiry this year: that Brown had "declared war" on Murdoch's company when a top-selling Murdoch newspaper endorsed the Conservative party rather than Brown's Labour party in 2009.

"This conversation never took place. I am shocked and surprised" that Murdoch said it had when he was grilled at the inquiry in April, Brown said Monday. "There was no such conversation."

Brown repeatedly insisted that there was "no evidence" of the phone call, basing his assertion on phone records from his office when he was prime minister.

The media tycoon said in April that Brown had phoned him and threatened him when the Sun newspaper pulled its support for Labour and switched to the Conservatives.

"He said, 'Well, your company has made -- declared war on my government, and we have no alternative but to declare war on your company.' And I said, 'I'm sorry about that Gordon, thank you for calling.' End of subject," the News Corp. chairman testified.

After Brown essentially accused Murdoch of lying under oath, News Corp. said its chairman stood by his testimony.

If British media regulators feel Murdoch is not a "fit and proper person" to hold a British broadcasting license, he could theoretically be stripped of control of British Sky Broadcasting, a lucrative part of his worldwide operations.

Murdoch's British operations are under scrutiny after revelations of widespread phone hacking by people working for his newspapers. Police and lawmakers are conducting separate inquiries into the scandal, separately from the Leveson Inquiry.

Brooks, the former top executive of Murdoch's British newspaper group, appeared briefly in court Wednesday, charged with obstructing a police investigation into phone hacking and bribery.

She spoke only to confirm her address during the eight-minute hearing and was ordered to appear in Southwark Crown Court on June 22.

Her husband, Charlie, and four current or former News International employees also face charges and appeared with her, becoming the first defendants to appear in court in connection with the wide-ranging police investigation sparked by allegations of illegal eavesdropping.

The defendants, who include Brooks' former personal assistant, driver and bodyguard, were ordered not to communicate with each other directly, except for Brooks and her husband.

Cheryl Carter, the personal assistant, was also instructed to surrender her passport.

The six were charged last month with perverting the course of justice.

They are accused of plotting to remove seven boxes of documents from News International offices and hide computers and documents from police.

When she was charged in May, Brooks blasted British prosecutors, calling the case "an expensive sideshow."

She said she is "baffled" and angered by the decision to charge "those closest to me."

"One day, the details of this case will emerge, and people will see today as nothing more than an expensive sideshow -- a waste of public money as a result of an unjust and weak decision," she told reporters outside her lawyer's office.

Charlie Brooks said that his wife is the victim of a "witch hunt" and that the charges against him and others are "an attempt to use me and others as scapegoats, the effect of which is to ratchet up the pressure on my wife."

Cameron established the Leveson Inquiry after British public anger at the News of the World about the hacking of voice mail messages of a missing teenage girl who turned out to have been murdered.

The case of Milly Dowler came on top of apologies from the tabloid for the hacking of the phones of celebrities and politicians, and proved to be the last straw for the paper, which was shut down in July.

The inquiry is intended to explore media ethics in Britain more widely, alongside police investigations into phone hacking, e-mail hacking and police bribery by people working for Murdoch's British newspapers.

CNN's Bharati Naik contributed to this report.

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